How often does the best team win?

Benjamin Baumer (with Michael Lopez and Gregory Matthews)

How often does the best team win?

Michael J. Lopez, Gregory J. Matthews, Benjamin S. Baumer
UMass, October 10th, 2017

An anecdote

What we remember

What we forget

Pitches in the series

That pitch

The truth is…

What we also forget

About that error…


Luck and parity
in sports

Using statistics to assess luck in sports

How to define parity

the state or condition of being equal


What parity looks like

What parity does not look like

Parity checklist

  1. Equality at a fixed time
  2. Postseason tournament
  3. Within season equality
  4. Between season equality

A cross-sport model

Prior work



Team Line (\(\ell\)) Probability (\(p\)) Normalized
-127 0.559 0.548
+117 0.461 0.452

\[ p_i(\ell_i) = \begin{cases} \frac{100}{100 + \ell_i} & \text{ if } \ell_i \geq 100 \\ \frac{|\ell_i|}{100 + |\ell_i|} & \text{ if } \ell_i \leq -100 \end{cases} \,. \]


The model: definitions

The model & assumptions

\[ E[\text{logit}(p_{(q,s,k) ij})] = \theta_{(q,s,k) i} - \theta_{(q, s, k) j} + \alpha_{q_0} + \alpha_{(q) i^{\star}} \]


  1. \(\sum_{i=1}^{t_{q}} \theta_{(q,s,k)i} = 0\)
  2. \(E[\theta_{(i,q,s+1,1)}] = \gamma_{q, season} \theta_{(i, q,s,k)}\)
  3. \(E[\theta_{(i,q,s,k+1)}] = \gamma_{q, week} \theta_{(i, q,s,k)}\)
  4. \(\gamma_{q,week}\) and \(\gamma_{q,season}\) week/season level autogressive parameters

Fitting a cross-sport model







Unpredictability at a fixed point in time

How often does the best team win?





Who cares?

GMs need to predict the future

GMs need to strategize

GMs need a longe-term plan

“They have to rethink their whole philosophy”

Mike Milbury on the 2016 Washington Capitals losing to Pittsburgh

Acknowledgements: Greg & Mike

Parity in sports

More info:


Thank you!!